Jennifer Milner
As a classical ballet dancer, Jennifer danced with several companies across the United States before moving to New York to do musical theatre, most notably playing Meg Giry in The Phantom of the Opera. After a knee injury ended a successful performing career, Jennifer became certified in the Pilates method of exercise, graduating from the Kane School of Core Integration under the renowned Kelly Kane, then mentored under the dance medicine pioneer Marika Molnar and certified in dance medicine through Ms. Molnar. She worked for Westside Dance Physical Therapy (the official physical therapists for New York City Ballet and the School of American Ballet), and has trained a wide variety of clients, including Oscar winners, Olympic medalists, and dancers from New York City Ballet, the Kirov Ballet, ABT, San Francisco Ballet, Royal Ballet, and more. Jennifer has also studied with Lisa Howell and taken seminars in Alexander Technique, kinesiology, reflexology, Eric Franklin’s method, and health and nutrition. Jennifer is a co-founder of Bendy Bodies, a podcast devoted to athletic artists with hypermobility issues. She is a member of the International Association of Dance Medicine and Science and presented at the world conference in Houston in 2017, Montreal in 2019, and at the virtual 2021 conference. Jennifer’s ability to move between ballet studios and cross-training venues, addressing biomechanical imbalances and technique dysfunctions in a practical strength-training way, has made her a sought-after guest speaker for dance schools and companies, and her many years of training dancers across the hypermobility spectrum have made her passionate about educating dancers and teachers on how to train hypermobility in a healthy and efficient way. Her website is or you can find her on Instagram @jennifer.milner.